Our Team

Steve Arless
35 years of extensive Canadian and international experience in the development, marketing and sales of medical devices products, including 17 years at Smith & Nephew Inc., where he served as president for 5 years.
B.Sc. Chemistry from McGill University
MBA Concordia University, Montreal
Ernst & Young (Canada) Entrepreneur of the Year Award in healthcare, Oct 2005.
CEO CardioInsight (Mar 2009 - Apr 2012)
Raised over $20MM, rebuilt the organization from $5 MM to $25 MM
Proven professionals, raised the value of the company from less than $1 M to over $30 MM
CEO CryoCath Inc. (Apr 1996 - Jul 2006)
IPO of $45 MM in Oct 2000
Grew worldwide sales to over $40 MM
Acquired in 2009 by Medtronic Inc. for $400 MM

Francis Bellido
Over 30 years of international experience in the Biosciences, Healthcare and Financial industries. Served in several top executive positions in large, medium-sized and start-up companies. Published over 40 original manuscripts and communications in peer reviewed scientific journals.
MBA, MSc. Pharmaceutical sciences, Ph.D. Medical microbiology from University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Eli Lilly (United States and Europe)
Strategic Asset Director
Global Business Unit Manager
Head of Regulatory Affairs

Raffy Kazandjian
Over 20 years of venture capital experience. Personal track record of 7 IPOs.
Chemistry engineering degree from ENSCP (Paris)
Graduate of MIT (MS 1985)
INSEAD (MBA 1990).
President CDC-Innovation (1996 - 2002)
​Venture capital fund affiliated to CDC Group
Over 300 MC under his management, where he raised 240 MC in capital
Supervised over 70 investment in technology start-ups including ExonHit Therapeutics, Actelion, CryoCath Technologies, Entomed (founded 2011 by Nobel Prize winner Jules Hoffmann), Integra, NetCentrx, Freever, Cellectis.